Monday, June 12, 2017



❤Functions and operations

1.color values.

2.Apply styles.

3.Assign values (math operations).

4.Iterate on lists and maps.

 changes a color by decreasing opacity.

 changes a color by increasing opacity.

 $color2 : fade-out($color,$amount);

❤SASS arithmetic operations

1.addition +

2.subtraction -

3.multiplication *

4.division /

5.module % (remainder)

❤Units are compatible in SASS.[we can not multiply pixels by ems]

❤In regular math, multiplying two units together results in squared units.(10px*10px=100px*px)

❤So,we would need to multiply 10px*10=100px.

❤For loop
@for $i from $begin through $end
  //some rules and or conditions 

❤We can use through or to.

.lemonade {
 border: 1px yellow
 background-color: #fdd;

.strawberry {
 @extend .lemonade
 border-color: pink;

❤@extend is working to apply the .lemonade rules to .strawberry.

❤ % (place holder) → extend

❤Mixin deal with arguments.
❤Place holder don't deal with arguments.



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